John Crumlish and Paul Fahy

The Galway Arts Festival kicks off in the second week of July

Paul and John are the people responsible.

Paul is the art, John is the money.

Thats a huge responsibility, not only are they responsible for the enjoyment of thousands of people but the arts festival brings tens of millions of euro into Galway

Arts and money make strange bedfellows but they claim never to have had a real row!

Its a tough job and no matter what is done they will end up disappointing as many people as they enchant, as everyone has their own vision of what the Festival should be and do.

Paul summed it up his vision of the festival perfectly last year

“It is to bring into the city acts that normally couldn’t come here”

About reggordonphoto

Galway Based commercial photographer
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2 Responses to John Crumlish and Paul Fahy

  1. As well as bringing great shows, concerts, and exhibitions to Galway each July , I feel that part of the Festival vision should be to encourage , seed fund and promote the many talented musicians, theatre companies and artists that live in Galway and would welcome an opportunity to create something special or festive in Galway each July.

  2. Pingback: Paul fahy | Onyximage

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